Sweden – part of the NATO war alliance

Arbetarmakt, Swedish section, League for the Fifth International, 7. July 2023

Sweden’s admission to NATO formalises what has long been a military and security reality: Swedish imperialism is allying itself with Washington. This was not only the case during the years as a close partner of the US and NATO after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Even during the Cold War, Sweden was fundamentally loyal to the US, though it presented itself to the outside world as non-aligned. Now, the connection is open and complete instead of hidden, hypocritical and reserved as before. This is part of the emergence of a new world situation with ever-increasing competition between different imperialist powers. The USA is being challenged and Sweden is clearly showing which imperialist bloc it belongs to.

NATO accession will mean an escalation of US involvement in various military conflicts. It will also involve increased loyalty to reactionary regimes within the American bloc. In particular, the Swedish state will now act as an opponent of groups fighting the Islamist tyrant Erdogan in Turkey.

Internationalist communists do not take sides in the struggle between the imperialist blocs. We are for the overthrow of all imperialist regimes, but we naturally focus on the enemy at home, because that is the power against which we can and must develop a struggle in the first place. In the coming years it must be an important task for us to develop an anti-imperialist struggle in Sweden and within NATO against NATO’s war adventures, its militarist agitation and its suppression of progressive liberation movements.

  • Dissolve NATO!
  • Smash US imperialism, smash Swedish imperialism!
  • Fight against all warmongering and imperialism!
  • Not a cent, not a crown for the army of the bourgeois state!
  • For an anti-imperialist movement that contributes to the struggle for international socialism – the only way to finally put a stop to the imperialist warmongers!
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