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Pakistan: Free Ahmad Azad! Free all Baloch and Pashtun students!

International Secretariat of the League for the Fifth International, 23.10.2017

Free Ahmad Azad! Free all Baloch and Pashtun students!

On 23. January, at least 200 – according to some reports even 400 Baloch and Pashtun students were arrested by the Punjab police, amongst them the general secretary of the “National Student Federation” (NSF), Ahmad Azad. The mass arrests and raids of a student hostels took place after they had been intimated and attacked by supporters of the right wing Islamists from Islami Jamiat -e- Talaba (IJT) at Punjab University, Lahore. For hours, the police has been surrounding hostels of Baloch and Pashtun students – together with the Islamist students!

We strongly condemn this inexcusable act of intimitation and terrorising of students from national minorities, from Balochistan, KPK and South Punjab. It shows once again that all democratic, socialist and human rights activists have to unite and raise their voice and resist the growing violence against students by the ultra-reactionary Islamist forces. We also condemn the passivity and tolerating of these attacks by the university administration. And we condemn the support of the Islamists given by the Punjab police forces, who sided with those who intimitate, threaten, injure or even kill students from national, religions minorities.

We demand the immediate release of Ahmad Azad and all other students! We solidarise with all Baloch, Pashtun and other students who want to exercise their democratic rights against attacks and threats by Islamists or other reactionary forces.

We call on all working class organisations, trade unions and parties, on all socialist and democratic youth and student organisation, democratic and human rights activists to protest against the arrests and express their solidarity! United we can and will defeat the forces of Islamist reaction and state repression! United we can win a world free of harassment, intimitation, oppression and exploitation!

League for the Fifth International

REVOLUTION, International Communist youth organisation

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