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Anticapitalist-Workers Power standing in British General Election

Workers Power Britain

Anticapitalist – Workers Power candidate in South London fighting for defence of public services and for a new party

Jeremy Drinkall, a member of Workers Power, the British section of the League for the Fifth International, is standing in the General Election, due for May 6th. He is standing in the Vauxhall constituency in South London on the Anticapitalist – Workers Power platform, fighting against the procapitalist policies of the main parties and to defend public services.

Jeremy’s platform includes nationalisation of the banks, for a million new council homes, against all cuts in public services, opposition to the war in Afghanistan, defence of Iran against imperialist aggression and free education for all. He is opposed to immigration controls and wants to see the racist police disarmed and an end to stop and search.

The election campaign has set up a Youtube channel with videos of Jeremy at hustings meetings he has attended.

Jeremy’s policies have proven very popular with people in the constituency that he has spoken to. But he is also clear as a revolutionary that we need to build a mass movement against capitalism and a new anticapitalist party to fight for socialism.

As he explains on his election blog „Getting representatives in parliament is important. But real change comes when millions of ordinary people say “Enough is enough” and stand together to fight for another world. I believe another world is possible, a socialist world. I really look forward to taking this message onto the streets, into the communities and out to the workplaces of Vauxhall this spring.“

Jeremy’s campaign needs your support – we especially need donations to help with the costs of the campaign. We have no rich backers and rely entirely on contributions from workers and young people to run the campaign. Please donate online to bring the socialist message to the people of Vauxhall.

Please visit Jeremy’s website at

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