International solidarity against the attacks of the "Antideutsche" (Anti-Germans)

International Secretariat, League for the Fifth International

The following resolution is a Joint Declaration of Internationalist Groups and Organizations which was adopted on 13 June 2019. The signing groups urge organisations of the global left and labour movement to support the couragoeus groups who are standing against racism and imperialism in Germany. We ask you to convince your organisations to sign the resolution, support the internationalist left in Germany and to use this campaign as a means to build strong networks that can challenge slander campaigns, claiming that „antizionism is antisemitism“ and support anti-colonial struggles.

Anti-Zionism is not antisemitism!

Attacks on internationalist, anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist forces have been increasing, particularly in recent months. So-called „Antideutsche“ are agitating against all progressive left-wing, democratic, socialist and communist forces that are critical of Israeli policies and their support by German and/or US imperialism. Even more, they denounce any solidarity with the Palestinian people’s resistance and anti-Zionist forces.

Under the accusation that „anti-Zionism“ is „antisemitism“, the increasing right-wing danger to life and limb in Germany and Israel to leftists and migrants is minimized while the real growing antisemitism of the right is downplayed. The central purpose of the criminalization of anti-Zionists, however, is to silence any criticism of Israeli and German pro-Zionist foreign policy, any solidarity with the Palestinian people and, as a rule, any criticism of imperialist interventions in the Middle East.

To this end, the „Antideutsche“ support right-wing and racist governments, such as those in Israel and the US, and attempt to denounce any criticism of these states as antisemitic, even those critiques by Jewish anti-Zionists.

The so-called „Antideutsche“ are not limited to verbal and written harassment, but also resort to other means.

Exclusion or threats of exclusion from left alliances against organisations. These include numerous groups such as MLPD, ArbeiterInnenmacht (Workers‘ Power), REVOLUTION, BDS Berlin, Bonn Youth Movement, FOR Palestine, Jugendwiderstand (Youth Resistance) and other internationalist groups who have been and are affected.

Denunciation of anti-Zionists in public institutions up to the threat of dismissal from their jobs, and cooperation with the Agency for the Protection of the Constitution [the German state domestic intelligence agency] .

Attempts to criminalize entire groups and campaigns, such as the BDS campaign, in collaboration with reactionary forces.

Physical violence and threats against internationalist or anti-imperialist forces, blocs or persons (most recently against the anti-imperialist bloc in Hamburg and against Kerem Schamberger in Marburg).

Exclusion of anti-Zionist positions from the trade unions, the Social Democratic Party (SDP) and also in the Left Party (DIE LINKE).

The so-called „Antideutsche“ spectrum also has moved, in the context of the current political shift to the right, in a deeply racist direction: authors like Justus Wertmüller and Thomas Maul (from the magazine „Bahamas“) actively support the AfD in its anti-Muslim racism and the racist mob in Chemnitz. But even the less „extreme“ parts of this spectrum are deeply engaged in political attacks against leftists, anti-racists and internationalists and in defaming them as „anti-Semites“.

Such politics actively hinder the formation of resistance against the swing to the right in the Federal Republic of Germany and ultimately plays into the hands of right-wing forces, which are increasingly strong not only in the parliaments, but also on the streets, and pose a growing danger for us all.

Instead of splitting and defamation, what the fight against the right, against sexism, racism and nationalism requires today, more than ever, is solidarity and common actions by us: workers, migrants, young people, women, LGBTIAs, school and university students. We see no contradiction in confronting racism together on the street and still representing diverse political positions on various topics.

Together against exclusion and defamation

We will fight together in the future against the exclusionary policies, defamation and attacks of the „Antideutsche“ – despite our political differences.

We urge all those who understand that anti-fascism is not just a „scene“ but a serious political practice, to fight together against these slander campaigns. We will not allow ourselves to be bureaucratically and arbitrarily excluded from alliances and actions. We will not relinquish our freedom of speech and propaganda!

We will continue to fight the racist and nationalist policies of the Israeli government and their support by German and US imperialism. We will continue to fight against warmongering and intervention. We will express our solidarity with the Palestinian resistance and the anti-Zionist forces.

The criminalization of anti-Zionist forces in Germany is a pilot project to suppress any political movement in the future that criticizes the foreign policy of the German government and imperialist interests. Turkish and Kurdish leftist organizations face searches of their homes, arrests, political bans and terrorism allegations. In the future, for example, similar actions against left-wing movements are conceivable, such as those that stand against a military intervention in Venezuela or against the right-wing government in Brazil.

The attacks against Palestinian organizations are part of the repression targeting the entire international left.

Therefore, we call on all internationalist forces in the left and workers‘ movement to fight together against this type of denunciation.

We, the undersigned organizations and alliances, pledge to join forces against future attacks by the so-called „Antideutsche“ and together oppose all attempts at exclusion.

No exclusion of internationalist, anti-imperialist and anti-Zionist forces from leftist coalitions or workers‘ organizations!

Solidarity with all left-wing groups or individuals who are criminalized, dismissed from their jobs or denounced for their internationalist solidarity!

Joint protection of left-wing events and blocs against (threatened) physical attacks and provocations by the so-called „Antideutsche“!

We oppose their defamation campaigns, exclusion and slander with our international solidarity! The fight against the right can be successful if we begin to defend ourselves against the attempts at division and defamation and organize a collective resistance.



BDS Berlin

CUP Berlin

F.O.R Palestine


No pasarán Hamburg

Palästina Komitee Stuttgart



Revolutionäre Internationalistische Organisation

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network

Solidaritätskomitee Katalonien Berlin

Red Flag, UK

Additional signatories should contact info@arbeitermacht or any of the signing groups.

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