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The Genocide in Gaza is no place for political manoeuvres!

Open Letter to Albin Kurti, Prime minister of The Republic of Kosovo, Leader of the Vetevendosje Party

All over the world people are shocked and angry about the genocide in Gaza, and the discrimination and oppression of the Palestinian people in Israel and the West Bank. For those who are subject to national, ethnical or racial oppression, for those who fight against oppression of any kind, and for equal rights or against exploitation and poverty, solidarity with Palestine has become a common link around the world. 

You, Albin Kurti, your party and your government have stood silent.
You have not mentioned the genocide, you have not opposed it, your party has not called for demonstrations or rallies against it. Even worse, your party has removed its own documents from its internet archive of the occassions when it stood in solidarity with the people of Gaza during Israel´s attack in 2014. 

Albin Kurti, this is shameful! Freedom is for all people or there is no freedom! Albin Kurti, you once declared yourself as coming from Marxism. But Karl Marx said: ‘A people that oppresses another people cannot be free’. This is true for Israel, Serbia, Russia—but also for Kosovo and the Albanians! 

The fight for independence from Serbia is worthless, when Kosovo becomes the puppet and the colony of Washington, Brussels or Berlin! The falsification of history is the legacy of Stalinism. 

We stand with Rosa Luxemburg: ‘The most revolutionary deed is to say what is’! Albin Kurti, return to the road of independence, self-determination and the struggle for freedom! Speak the truth about Gaza today and restore Vetevendosjes documents online!

  • Matthias Fritz, metalworker, Trade-unionist, Berlin
  • Albi, Student Coalition, Berlin
  • Martin Suchanek, League for the Fifth International
  • Dilara Lorin, Youth Organisation, REVOLUTION
  • Socialisticka Zora, Skopje

You can sign as individuals or branches of individual trade unions/organizations. Please share the appeal!

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